Sidebar tutorial
We let our players build a sidebar (scoreboard) to fit own needs rather than having a static one for the whole server. This will allow you to have total control of what information you want displayed!
Your sidebar is refreshed once every 1 second. It can fit in exactly 15 lines; however, there are no line length limits. Sidebars support 99% of all symbols, there are also quite a few placeholders you can use in order to display things such as your money, current world, claim information etc...
/sb ━ Toggle sidebar (on/off switch)
/sbedit <line> <text> ━ Modify sidebar line
/sbedit <line> clear ━ Clear sidebar line
/sbreset ━ Disable & reset sidebar
/rfsb ━ Forcefully refresh your sidebar
Placeholder is a string of characters that will accordingly display data on your sidebar. For example, !money will be replaced with your actual money amount, !world will be replaced with your current world and so on...
Currently valid placeholders
!money ━ Displays your amount of money
!world ━ Displays your current world
!fly ━ Displays minutes left on your Vote fly
!claim ━ Displays whether land is claimed or not, as well as land owner
!rainbow ━ Anything put after this placeholder will cycle through 20 colours
!pvp ━ Displays your current PVP state
!voteparty ━ Displays amount of votes needed for a vote party
!skipnight ━ Displays amount of votes needed to skip current night
!jumps ━ Displays amount of times you've jumped
!kills ━ Displays amount of kills (mob kills)
!online ━ Displays amount of online players in your current world
!totalonline ━ Displays amount of online players across the whole network
!clearlag ━ Displays remaining seconds until ground items get wiped
Sidebar examples
"Here are a few examples to make everything just a little bit easier!"
Sidebar example 1 (clean & simple)
/sbedit 5 &r
/sbedit 4 &fBalance: &e$!money
/sbedit 3 &fPVP: &d!pvp
/sbedit 2 &fClaim: &a!claim
/sbedit 1 &r
Sidebar example 2 (colour madness)
/sbedit 9 !rainbow&m---------------------
/sbedit 8 &r
/sbedit 7 &7&l| &fWorld: &e&l!world
/sbedit 6 &7&l| &fPVP mode: &b&l!pvp
/sbedit 5 &7&l| &fClaim: &a&l!claim
/sbedit 4 &7&l| &fFly: &d&l!fly
/sbedit 3 &7&l| &fMoney: &6&l$!money
/sbedit 2 &r
/sbedit 1 !rainbow&m---------------------
Sidebar example 3 (practical)
/sbedit 15 &7To do list
/sbedit 14 &f- Drink water
/sbedit 13 &f- Plant crops
/sbedit 12 &f- Find Bob
/sbedit 2 &r
/sbedit 1 &6Money: $!money
Last updated