Extended rules
Lets keep our community clean! This is a extended version on our existing rules which can be read by using the /rules command. Extended rules written by ALovelyFantasy.
Rule 1
No stealing or scamming at all!
This means you shouldn't take items from another player (Unclaimed OR claimed land). If a player finds some items missing, and they make a report, you may be in trouble! Do not sell any fake items anywhere! Let it be the player shop, chest shops... This means no shulker boxes with fake items inside, fake wither skeleton skulls or similar!
Stealing from unclaimed houses or chests and/or destroying someone's build can and will result in bans from our server.
Selling items such as and similar to fake vote coins or wither skeleton skulls, broken special items, or fake Shulker lucky boxes is strictly not allowed.
This also includes trades between players in which one party does not complete the deal with the promised goods.
Rule 2
No griefing in any way or form!
Don't destroy someone's creation, even if land is unclaimed! This includes trashing around someone's claim intentionally or claiming near someone just to annoy them. Ruining the terrain is not allowed! You should not place blocks everywhere.. randomly... Cobblestone walls (lava + water) are strictly prohibited!
If you did not craft it/buy it/build it yourself, do not touch it! This means you can not modify another player's build in any way without their explicit permission.
Claiming too close to someone else without permission is also not allowed. Try to keep AT LEAST 100 blocks OR MORE between your claim and someone else's. You could and will be asked to move if you break this rule.
Lava casting will result in a permanent ban from our server.
Map art can only be built in the /freebuild world.
Rule 3
Don't be annoying and use common sense!
Do not spam, be rude, act toxic, advertise, or use CAPS in chat in order to stand out. Use common sense and don't annoy a player intentionally. Using any commands like /pay 2 to annoy someone isn't allowed as well. Members of staff can make situational or temporary rules at any point, depending on the situation, which you must follow!
Keeping chat respectful and friendly is a minimal ask! We take this rule seriously, toxicity will not be tolerated within our server. This rule extends to interactions within our /discord server.
If someone else summons a dragon/wither and they ask for you to leave it alone, do so. Do not steal it from them unless they ask for help.
Advertising another Minecraft server is not allowed. Any kind of advertising outside links that are not owned by Tulip Survival (/store, /discord) is NOT allowed. This includes discord servers, even if they're for a town.
Rule 4
Be respectful and keep it clean!
No racism, sexism, doxing, threats or harassment. Don't use swear words directly towards a player! We take this rule very seriously and you will be permanently IP banned if you break it.
Renaming items (including tools!) inappropriate names is not allowed. This includes orphan harming related names. Player usernames, warp names and entity names must also follow this rule.
Swearing is allowed as long as it's not overused and not towards someone.
All map art must be appropriate and SFW.
Rule 5
No hacking or exploiting game/plugin bugs!
Any form of hacking, let it be Xray texture packs, fly mods.. is not allowed! However you are allowed to use autoclickers, minimaps and schematica! Abusing any exploits (plugin, game... bugs) to crash or lag the server or for personal gain is not allowed. This rule also means no to any sorts of lag machines.
Breaking this rule will result in a permanent IP ban from our server.
Autoclickers can be used at mob farms for AFK XP grinding reasons.
Schematica's easy place is allowed, however the printer (autoplace/autobuild) function is not allowed.
Minimaps must not show caves etc - you can toggle this function in most minimap mod settings.
Rule 6
No trapping or begging at all!
No trapping or trap killing in any form, world or circumstance, we are a friendly non PvP server. Do not beg for items, ranks, permissions etc.. Asking for something once or twice is fine, but begging is not allowed!
Rule 7
Lets keep our economy fun for everyone!
Do not try to break the economy in any way, such as selling Mending books for $200, making cheap shops, undercutting people intentionally, or anything in that sense... Keep it clean and keep the economy fair. Use /mp to learn more!
Our minimum price list is there to keep the economy fair and stable. We prefer to keep the economy as player-run as possible, but sometimes we need to intervene. We need your help to keep our realm economies thriving, and so far it's doing great.
All crafted items that derivate from mp items have to comply with mp. E.g diamond axe has 3 diamonds, it should be sold for $240+ since diamonds are $80/e.
Giving away /mp items for free to randoms is not allowed.
Breaking our /mp rule can and will result in warnings and tempbans from our server.
Public villager trading halls have to be pay per entry ($300+) or pay to get trust ($1000+).
Profit shops aren't allowed. You also cannot sell for under adminshop price, as this makes for easy profit shops.
Reselling is not against our rules, but if you do and the original seller asks you not to, you MUST stop.
One major rule! Any money farms that require redstone aren't allowed! You can make autofarms, but to a certain extent and not with the reason being to make money. Don't make automatic sugarcane, any seed or kelp money farms as it is against the rules! You will be contacted by a staff member if we believe you are breaking this rule, along with the changes you must commit to.
This rule is directed solely at the NPC on the left at /shop or /as (adminshop). This means that you cannot use redstone to farm and collect from mob farms, etc, and then sell it to this NPC. You may use automatic redstone farms to sell to chest shops, playershop, or trade with villagers - but you cannot sell to adminshop! This includes collections systems using hoppers, minecarts, etc...
Staff reserve the right to ask that farms with excessive amounts of redstone that may cause lag to the server be reduced in size.
This section has further information on some common "is x allowed" questions.
Alternate accounts are allowed.
Fullbright is allowed.
Optifine is allowed.
Lunar/badlion are allowed.
Impersonating staff/players isn't allowed.
Bypassing a mute by talking through signs isn't allowed.
Copying/reselling someone's map art without permission isn't allowed.
Baritone is strictly prohibited.
Any kind of macros or automation which require a mod or a hacked client (mob aura, auto build, auto mine etc...) aren't allowed.
Map art world/freebuild world is only to be used for mapart. Any other kind of building is not allowed there.
Keep ban talk out of chat. If you have an issue make a ticket.
These rules can also apply to our discord server.
This list can be edited and modified without notice or notification.
Please make a ticket on the discord if you have any questions, feedback or concerns.
Last updated