🌷Party information
Parties are simple and straight forward. You can use parties for private chat between multiple players and a private party spot which all party members can teleport to with press of a button.
Keep in mind that one party can hold up to 45 players (including party creator). Party chat is uncensored for the most part; however, you may not use racial slurs, act malicious, harass others, discuss about anything illegal or harm anyone in any way. Party chat names also cannot contain anything inappropriate, especially anything that is considered racist! Make sure to promote appropriate players to keep your party nice and tidy. Party moderators are capable of inviting & kicking members, re-setting party spot location and changing party chat colours. Party moderators cannot disband the party, promote members or kick/demote another party moderator.
/newparty <name> ━ Creates a new party (limit is 12 characters)
/party ━ Bring up the main party menu
/pinvite <player> ━ Invite players to your own party
/pjoin <party name> ━ Accept a party invite
/pkick <player> ━ Kicks a player from the party
/pleave ━ Leaves current party
/pdisband ━ Disbands the party
/psetspot ━ Sets party spot location
/ppromote <player> ━ Promotes a player to party moderator
/pdemote <player> ━ Demotes a player from party moderator
/pc <message> ━ Send a message in party chat
Last updated