🌷Command list
Here you will find a list of commands which are not displayed under it's own category.
Commands you see here are available to all players on the server. You may unlock additional commands with a Voting rank (/rankup) or Premium ranks which can be found on our store: https://store.tulipsurvival.com/category/1831727. Commands for these ranks are displayed separately in a GUI and on the store.
General commands
/sethome <name> ━ Creates a home at your current location
/delhome <name> ━ Removes a home
/home <name> ━ Travels to the desired home location
/homes ━ Lists names of your homes
/money ━ View your money
/pvp ━ Enable or disable combat
/seen <player> ━ See when a player was last online
/realname <player> ━ View player's real name (in case they have a set nickname)
/ignore <player> ━ Ignore or unignore a player (disables tp's and hides chat messages)
/boosters ━ View currently active boosters
/rtp ━ Stands for random teleport. Randomly teleport to the Survival or Resource world.
/skipnight ━ Vote to skip the night. At least half of the server has to do this in order for a night to get skipped
/clearlag ━ Toggle Clear lag notifications or see time left until ground items get wiped
/mp ━ Stands for minimum prices. View items that you cannot sell less for
/customitems ━ List all of our custom items
/settings ━ Personalize your server experience
Player shop commands
/ps ━ Stands for Player shop. Opens up a category menu for the player shop
/expired ━ List and collect your items that were not sold within a week
/shop ━ Takes you to spawn's marketplace where you can sell & buy items
/lastloc ━ Stands for last location. This command sends you to your last location and only works if you do /shop which teleports you to spawn's marketplace. You can also click in chat or the NPC.
Player warp commands
/pw ━ Stands for Player warps. Opens up a category menu for player warps
/pw <warp> ━ Travels to a warp
/pw set <warp> ━ Creates your very own warp. You need at least Newbie++ Voting rank or VIP Premium rank to set up a warp
/pw lock <warp> ━ Locks or unlocks own warp for public access
/pw desc set/remove <warp> <argument> ━ Stands for Player warp description. Sets a description for your own warp which can be read by other players
/pw category <warp> <category> ━ Sets your warp's category
/pw icon set/remove <warp> ━ Sets held item as warp icon (or removes it)
/pw reset <warp> ━ Re-sets your warp's location and nothing else
/pw rename <warp> <new warp name> ━ Re-names your warp
/pw ban set/remove/list <warp> <player> ━ Bans, unbans or lists banned players from your warp
/pw rate <warp> <rating> ━ Rate other players' warp, from 1 to 5
Social commands
/lay ━ Lay down
/sit ━ Sit down
/crawl ━ Start crawling
/emoji ━ List all available chat emoticons
/tpa <player> ━ Send someone a TP request
/accept ━ Accept incoming TP request
/deny ━ Deny incoming TP request
/autowelcome ━ Automatically welcome new players
Vote commands
/voteparty ━ See how many votes needed until a vote party occurs
/vote ━ Vote for the server (each vote gives money, claim blocks, vote keys and much more)
/crates ━ Open up Vote crates (and many others)
/rankup ━ Upgrade your Voting rank
/voteshop ━ Exchange your Vote coins for perks, crate keys & more
/votefly ━ Enable or disable your Vote fly
QoL commands
/trash ━ Open a virtual trash can
/time ━ View time in your current world
/editsign ━ Modify sign lines with a command
/safedrops ━ Enable or disable safe drops. Having this enabled will prompt you to press [Q] twice in order to drop valuable items
Other commands
/go ━ Opens up a GUI from where you can travel to a different game world (server)
/server ━ Lets you click in chat to travel to a different server within TulipSurvival
/store ━ Sends a link to our official store in chat
/discord ━ Sends a link of our Discord server in chat
Last updated