Land claiming
Claim your land to protect it from unwanted guests. Once land is claimed, you can trust or untrust players, create sub-claims, give players individual permissions and much more...
Size of claims depends on the amount of claim blocks you posses. The larger the claim, the more claim blocks required. Get claim blocks with /vote or on our /store. View how many claim blocks you have by holding a Golden shovel. Type /kit to obtain a claiming kit which comes with one Golden shovel (claim tool) and a stick (claim info. tool) Ways to get claim blocks: voting for the server (each vote is +50 claim blocks), opening up crates, ranking-up through Voting Ranks, opening up Vote Party rewards, buying claim blocks on our store ( You can view boundaries and information of your or other players' land claims by right clicking the ground with a stick (included with the claiming /kit)
/claim ━ Create a simple 10x10 claim
/unclaim ━ Unclaim land which you are currently standing in
/extendclaim <amount> ━ Extends your claim to the direction you are currently facing. <amount> is the amount of blocks you wish to extend your claim for.
/accesstrust <player> ━ Gives a player access to: Buttons, Levers & Beds
/containertrust <player> ━ Gives a player access to: Crafting, Containers & Animals
/permissiontrust <player> ━ Gives a player access to grant other players the following permisison levels: /trust, /accesstrust, /containertrust
/trust <player> ━ Gives a player semi-full access to your land (block break/build + everything from /accesstrust + /containertrust)
/untrust <player> ━ Revoke land access for that specific player
/trustlist ━ View players who are trusted in claimed land which you are currently standing in
/claimlist ━ View your land claims
/abandonallclaims ━ Abandon all claims! You will have to type "/abandonallclaims confirm" in order to confirm this command
/buyclaimblocks ━ Buy claim blocks using in-game money *requires [LEGEND] voting rank
Last updated